Donation of the four-wheel drive (4WD) all-road vehicle
From the very first days of Ukraine’s war against Russian occupants, the country of Georgia and its population have been standing with the brave warriors of Ukraine on the front lines, who are fighting for the sovereignty and independence of their country. Our citizens are fighting together with these heroes and our volunteers are doing their best to assist both the brave warriors and the local civilians involved in this unequal battle.
These days’ additional assistance was sent to Ukraine – our citizens sent the four-wheel drive (4WD) all-road military vehicle to Ukrainian military forces. The high-ground clearance military vehicle is already delivered to Georgian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. These types of vehicles are used on the front lines for transporting equipment, goods, medication and other goods as well as they are responsible to enter the open battlefield and evacuate as many wounded civilians as possible. Besides these, the vehicles are used for military surveillance and for protecting the public order.
In general, Georgian soldiers and volunteers are integral parts of this war and Ukrainian authorities and the local people see and appreciate their efforts and dedication. Their dedication and bravery definitely deserve appreciation, though providing their and their families security is also a top priority. We don’t share their identities and the military units they are serving for because of the security reasons. We would also like to use the chance and express gratitude towards them who fight for the independence of Ukraine and Georgia. And those who aren’t fighting on the open battlefield, should do our best to guarantee their victory.
We would also like to express gratitude towards each and every volunteer whose effortless care made this donation possible.